Custom Designs Begin With A Vision.
Our first meeting with a client is usually filled with excitement and anticipation as we begin to discuss the vision they have for their new home. Ideas begin to flow and will usually include sharing images of homes they have fallen in love with over the years, a collection of Pinterest boards and just ideas about how specific design elements would make life a lot easier for them on a daily basis.
It is then that we begin to put ideas on paper and design a space that will work within their budget, fit the lot they have chosen, meet the requirements of the HOA and community regulations and most importantly fulfill all of the clients wants and needs.
Our designs are created with a construction software that drafts the space, including the smallest of detail, from the ground up. These technical drawings are then translated into 3D renderings which detail siding, shingles, windows, and hardscaping, giving a visual of the future home and what can be expected from our final designs. Don't like it? With a few keystrokes, we can show it to you again in a new color scheme. It's that easy. It saves time, money and guesswork.
The images above are an example of a 2020 Paquin Design Build custom home design in Saint Michaels, MD. The drawing on the right is where we started, and the final home (left) is what was delivered. The waterfront home included many custom elements including a beautiful upgraded kitchen and great room, a home gym overlooking the water, and a swimming pool that spans the length of the home.