Feeling Grateful...
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Feeling Grateful...

For many of us, when we think of Thanksgiving thoughts of food, football, floats and family reunions come to mind, but have you ever thought about why we celebrate this holiday? In the beginning, and for the first settlers, Thanksgiving was not a holiday or a feast, but a simple gathering to give thanks for survival and a plentiful harvest.

Today, that practice is as important as it ever was. For those of us that are blessed with food on our table, family and friends, and a roof over our heads, it should be a time to reflect on how fortunate we are.

Simple practices of gratitude, either on a personal level or by giving back to those less fortunate, have been found as not only beneficial to the recipient of an act of kindness, but also to those practicing daily gratitude or extending their hand. Studies have suggested that regular practices of gratitude have been shown to improve the immune system, lower blood pressure, improve emotions and resonate in a happier, more joyful and optimistic attitude.

As a custom home builder, we recognize how fortunate we are to have a thriving business delivering homes and comfort to our clients every day. We also recognize that this is not a luxury of everyone which Is why we have chosen to actively support Habitat for Humanity – Choptank, a non-profit organization building homes, communities and hope for those in need.

Through financial coaching, education, support, and access to affordable financing, Habitat Choptank provides an opportunity for individuals and families in our communities to purchase a quality construction, energy efficient, affordable home. This home ownership creates a solid foundation for our hardworking community members to build their lives. Lives are changed, neighborhoods are revitalized, and community property tax revenues are enhanced.

Small gestures, like the one we have made, create a ripple affect and allow others to impact the world and our communities in amazing ways. We would ask that each of you take a moment over the next few weeks to reflect on all that you have and all that you are grateful for. Find a small way to give back to someone a little less fortunate than you, even if it’s just sharing a smile and a few words of kindness.

In closing, we would like you to know how grateful we are for all that we have: our work; our clients; and the industry partners that we have made over the years. Your partnership and support have helped us to create a business that we not only love, but one that delivers comfort and shelter to others. Our hope for each of you is that you find gratitude in all you have and in the little smiles you can extend to others along the way. We wish you and all those you love a very Happy Thanksgiving and extended holiday season.

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